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Hot Fudge Sundae - Recipes, History, Trivia

Hot Fudge Sundae - History of the Ice Cream Dish

The Hot Fudge Sundae may just be America's favorite dessert. This most popular subset of the generic Ice Cream Sundae features Ice Cream - usually, but not necessarily, vanilla - topped with hot fudge sauce, nuts, whipped cream, and a maraschino cherry. It seems that just about every city in America lays claim to have been the original home of the Ice Cream Sundae, with Ithaca, New York probably having the strongest arguement, with 1892 being the year of its invention. The word Sundae is most likely a fanciful spelling of Sunday.

retro Soda Fountain Hot Fudge Sundae
Vintage advertisement from 1916 for Hot Fudge Sundaes (and 183 delicious dishes) served in the French Tea Room ("cool, airy, and beautiful") soda fountain at Woodward's Pharmacy.

Classic Hot Fudge Sundae


  • Bittersweet Hot Fudge Sauce

    Printable version of recipe

    Here is the recipe for Yummyeats.com's own Bittersweet Hot Fudge Sauce.
    - - - - -

    1 oz. bittersweet (not semi-sweet) chocolate
    1 Tbsp. butter
    1 Tbsp. cream
    pinch salt

    Melt the chocolate and the butter together in a small heavy bottomed saucepan or in a double boiler. Add the pinch of salt. Stir in the cream until a smooth texture is achieved. Makes enough sauce for 2 to 3 sundaes.

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